Define Stakeholder
Stakeholder - anyone who has influence over, or interest in, the process or outcome of a project.

Don`t Procrastinate
Procrastinate means to put off doing something until a future time, often because it is unpleasant or boring. Learn this word and don`t

'Friday the 13th' for Advertising
Do you know what was the worst day for the advertising industry? On April 2, 1993, advertising itself was called into question by the very b

Scope - a description of the desired end result of a project. It is sometimes necessary to change or re-scope a project. You must manage the

Opinion Leaders
One of the key tools for marketing communications is to use opinion leaders as brand advocates and generate word of mouth communication. Pro

Как рассказать о работе по-английски
Как рассказать о своей работе по-английски и произвести хорошее впечатление на обаятельнейшего незнакомца/незнакомку?

What is a Project?
A project is a "one-off" scope of work defined by three parameters - time, cost, and quality. The lifecycle of any project consist

Pitching Your Project
How to pitch your idea. Prepare well: there are unknowns and risks in any project.

10 Business Abbreviations
Do you know these business abbreviations? CEO, MBA, PR, HR, VAT, USP, ISO, ROI, Ltd, Inc. These are common, widely spread 10 business abbrev

Trends vs Fads
Fads and trends are perceptible changes in behaviors that can be seen or felt among a large section of the population with the behavior...