
Scope - a description of the desired end result of a project. For clarity, it often includes reference to the context in which the end result will be delivered, and who the end user will be.
It is sometimes necessary to change or re-scope a project in order to adapt to circumstances that were not known when you drew up the definition. You must mahage these changes carefully to avoid any misunderstanding. The golden rule when re-scoping a project is to agree all changes of scope in writing with the project sponsor.
The term "scope creep" is a term used to describe uncontrolled changes to the scope of a project. It is described as "creep" because the changes happen in such small steps that they go unnoticed until their true impact becomes apparent in the run-up to implementation. Sloppy project managers sometimes blame "scope creep" when they fail to deliver features that they should have spotted in the initial brief. However, it can also be caused by clients changing their minds or trying to get more than they have paid for in a commercial project.

scope - диапазон действия, рамки проекта
scope creep - расползание границ проекта