Facts About Tea
I think you all know that tea is a prominent feature of British culture, but you may not know these three amazing facts.

Father Christmas
Discussion of the origins of Christmas customs tend to stall with: "Wasn’t it all invented by the Victorians? Or the Germans? Or was it

Even or Odd?
How many flowers to give? It does not matter.

100th Anniversary of Remembrance Day
This year on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month people worldwide will mark the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day, pausing to

Guy Fawkes Night
November the 5th is the date when Brits commemorate events that nearly changed the course of the nation's history.

Dali in Wonderland
Before reading this post, please, try to guess what is the bond between Salvador Dali and Alice in Wonderland?

Iceberg Theory
Before reading this post, please, try to guess what is the bond between Ernest Hemingway and an iceberg?

Black Swan
Before reading this post, please, try to guess what is the bond between the ballet role of Odile and a highly improbable event?

Before reading this post, please, try to guess what is the bond between a subculture of extreme youth violence, an orange, milk and Russian

Christmas Robin
Do you know why the English robin is so closely associated with Christmas that it's often called the Christmas robin?