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What is a Project?

Project. Perfect English Blog

Projects are the way in which human creativity is most effectively harnessed to achive tangible, lasting results. In the past they may have been called something different, but building a pyramid, painting a ceiling, or founding a nation all required vision, planning, and coordinated effort - the essential features of what we now call a project.

At its simplest level, a project is a "one-off" scope of work defined by three parameters - time, cost, and quality. In other words, it is the means by which a particular result is delivered using specified resources within a set timeframe.

The lifecycle of any project consists of six main phases: intiation, defenition, planning, control, implementation, and review.

INITIATION: Identifying the problem to be solved or opportunity to be exploited.

DEFINITION: Refining your understanding of what you want to achieve, by when, and with what resources.

PLANNING: Deciding in detail how to achieve the objective - timescales, resources, responsibilities, and communications.

CONTROL: Doing the work, monitoring progress, and adjusting the plan according to need.

IMPLEMENTATION: Passing what you have created over to those who will be using it, and helping them to adjust to any changes.

REVIEW: Assessing the outcome and looking back to see if there is anything you could have done differently or better.

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