Phone Glossary

Отличный совет по запоминанию новых слов – учить слова, которые имеют прямое отношение к нашей жизни. Предлагаю вашему вниманию подборку постов “Housewife`s Glossary”, в которой мы запоминаем английские названия ОЧЕНЬ привычных нам вещей (ищите по #housewifesglossary).
Emma was a very young and pretty girl. After graduating from university, she did not begin to look for work. Her parents paid the bills and gave her pin money. Therefore, Emma did not see the point in getting a game boy disease doing boring work in the office. Emma dreamt about something else. She wanted to get married and be a housewife. The problem was that she could not find an ideal candidate for her husband`s position. For some reason, young men never called her back after the first date. "But this time it will be different!" decided Emma. Bill wore a watch which was too expensive to miss the boat. Therefore, this time Emma decided not to suffer from ringxiety, and to call herself. But she could not get through. The first time Bill`s phone was busy, and then he did not answer. She tried his number again and again. And finally her call was answered. ⠀ ⠀ "Oh, hi, Bill! It`s me. Emma. Apparently, you kept your mobile on silent. I wanted to offer you to repeat our awesome date," she tried to make her voice sound carefree and sexy at the same time. ⠀ "Bad idea, Emma. This is not Bill, but his wife. I just want to know who is blowing up my husband's phone!.." ⠀
Ставьте ❤ и запоминайте как выразить по-английски эти ОЧЕНЬ привычные нам вещи: ⠀ • pin money – деньги на мелкие расходы, на булавки, ⠀ • game boy/gameboy disease – боли в спине и шее от долгой работы за компьютером, ⠀ • to call back – перезвонить, ⠀ • to miss the boat – упустить шанс, ⠀ • ringxiety - название формы невроза, состояние, когда вам кажется, что вы слышали звонок, но вам никто не звонил. Слово образовано от ‘ring’ + ‘anxiety’, ⠀ • to get through – дозвониться, ⠀ • the phone was busy – телефон был занят, • to try the number again – попробовать позвонить снова, ⠀ • it was answered – на звонок ответили, ⠀ • to keep your phone on silent - поставить телефон на беззвучный режим, ⠀ • to blow up the phone – названивать на телефон.