Silver Idioms

Add colour to your language using these idioms related with 'silver'.
To be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
Born into a wealthy family.
Перевод: родиться в сорочке.
Пример: Maybe for you, but I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth.
To give/hand something on a silver plate/platter
To allow someone to get something very easily, without having to work for it.
Перевод: на блюдечке с голубой каемочкой.
Пример: If you sell your share in the company now, you're handing the ownership to him on a silver plate.
The silver screen
A term for the cinema.
Перевод: на большом экране.
Пример: Do you fancy going to watch that movie on the silver screen tonight?
Genius without education is like silver in the mine
Superior intellectual power is a wasted resource unless it is nurtured by education.
Перевод: Гений без образования подобен серебру, что еще в руднике. (Франклин).
Пример: The school was set up to feed the minds of exceptionally gifted students, on the principle that genius without education is like silver in the mine.
Every cloud has a silver lining Even the most unpleasant experience or depressing situation may have a consoling aspect or hopeful prospect; used to raise somebody’s spirits, or said by those who discover a hidden advantage in their misfortune.
Перевод: нет худа без добра.
Вариант: the darkest cloud has a silver lining.
Синонимичная пословица: april showers bring may flowers.
Пример: I was devastated when the accident put an end to my sporting career, but in the idle days that followed I discovered I had a talent for writing. Every cloud has a silver lining, so they say.