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Idioms about the Truth

Idioms about the Truth. Perfect English Blog

Jane Austen wrote: "Seldom, very seldom does complete truth belong to any human disclosure; seldom can it happen that something is not a little disguised, or a little mistaken."

Learn these 6 idioms about the truth and use them in your everyday speech.

There`s truth in wine

What people say when they are drunk is usually true. The proverb is often used in its Latin form 'In vino veritas'.

Перевод: истина - в вине.

Пример: There is truth in wine, and she had drunk the best part of a bottle of champagne, so I felt inclined to believe her.

The image sways in my subconsciousness Of ostrich feathers, sadly bent, And cobalt eyes, absorbing, bottomless, That blossom on a distant land.

My soul is but a precious treasury, And I alone possess the key! You drunken monster! I'm surrendering, You win: In wine, the truth, I see.

- Alexander Blok, The Unknown Lady

Half the truth is often a whole lie Not telling the whole truth, or saying something that is only partly true, is tantamount to lying.

Перевод: полуправда - это ложь.

Пример: What she said was not entirely untrue, but she omitted to mention a number of significant details, and half the truth is often a whole lie.

A lie can go around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots

False rumors travel with alarming speed.

Перевод: ложь может обойти весь мир и вернуться назад, в то время как истина застегивает сапоги.

Сравните: дурные новости распространяются быстро.

Пример: A lie can go around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots, and if the media get hold of the idea that you are guilty, you will have a hard job subsequently proving your innocence.

Truth is stranger than fiction The truth is often far more unlikely than anything that can be dreamed up by the imagination.

Перевод: иногда правда диковиннее вымысла.

Пример: In our two-month trip around the world we ran into long-lost relatives on three separate occasions, proving that truth is stranger than fiction.

A grain of truth

A little bit of truth. Often used to refer to a small amount of insight or truth in something otherwise false or nonsensical.

Перевод: зерно истины.

Пример: The only reason why his joke about my love life bothered me so much is because there was a grain of truth to it.

White lie

A harmless or trivial lie, especially one told to avoid hurting someone's feelings.

Перевод: невинная ложь, ложь во спасение (мелкая ложь с целью пощадить чьи-либо чувства).

Пример: I told her a white lie when I said that I would be too busy to meet her.

White lie. Perfect English Blog

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