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Spices. Perfect English Blog

Being a good cook comes from a true love of food and having good ingredients. And it starts with your spice cabinet.

Learn these TOP 10 spice names every cook should have at home.

1. Smoked Paprika

When you're cooking without meat, it’s harder to get that burnt, smoky flavor; smoked paprika is a great thing to add for a bit of that.

Перевод: копченая паприка.

2. Turmeric

If you use enough of it, you can give the dish a kind of Eastern feel.

Перевод: кукурма.

3. Ground Ginger

Ground ginger gives a really nice note to whatever you’re cooking.

Перевод: молотый имбирь.

4. Sweet Paprika

If you dust just a little paprika on top, it doesn’t necessarily change much in terms in of the flavor, it just really elevates the presentation and adds this bright red sparkle that’s beautiful.

Перевод: сладкая паприка.

5. Nutmeg

It is the key ingredient if you’re making baked doughnuts.

Перевод: мускатный орех.

6. Cardamom

Cardamom’s unique sweet-spicy flavor makes it a natural addition to sweets.

Перевод: кардамон.

7. Cumin

Cumin’s bright, peppery flavor is one of the reasons Mexican food is so addictive. It’s that certain flavor that you love, but can’t quite put your finger on.

Перевод: тмин.

8. Fennel Seed

Fennel seed is the spice for anyone who loves fennel or just licorice in general. When added to food, its mild taste imparts a delicate flavor of anise.

Перевод: семена фенхеля.

9. Allspice

Allspice is responsible for making so many of our favorite dishes great. It also shows up in pickling recipes.

Перевод: гвоздика.

10. Peppercorn (Pink, Green Or Black)

Put down the ground black pepper - that stuff doesn’t taste like anything anyway - and go buy yourself a pepper grinder and some real peppercorn. Then add it to everything. The flavor will amaze you.

Перевод: перец горошком (розовый, зеленый или черный).

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