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Idioms about Silence

Idioms about Silence. Perfect English Blog

Take the time to discover that there is immense power in silence, in being a little bit more reserved. Here are 6 idioms about silence for you to learn and use.

Loose lips sink ships

Careless talk can cause trouble, if it results in the wrong people gaining access to sensitive information. The proverb originated as a security slogan of World War II.

Вариант: a slip of the lip will sink a ship.

Перевод: болтун - находка для шпиона; корабли тонут не столько от болтанки, сколько от болтовни.

Пример: Loose lips sink ships, and god knows I've sunk my share of flotillas.

A shut / closed mouth catches no flies

It is often safest or wisest to say nothing.

Перевод: В рот, закрытый глухо, не залетает муха.

Пример: To avoid the risk of incriminating myself, I remained silent - a shut mouth catches no flies.

No news is good news

It is probably safe to assume that all is well if you have not heard anything to the contrary.

Перевод: отсутствие вестей - хорошая весть.

Пример: Although the woman had not heard from her son for several weeks, she believed that no news is good news and she did not worry.

There is a time to speak and a time to be silent

We should know when to say something and when to say nothing.

Перевод: есть время говорить и время молчать; всему свое время.

Пример: The power of our words can be used to build up or tear down. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent.

A word spoken is past recalling

You cannot take back what you have said, so think carefully before speaking.

Перевод: слово не воробей, вылетит - не поймаешь; сказанного не воротишь.

Пример: I immediately regretted making such a hurtful remark, but a word spoken is past recalling.

Speech is silver, but silence is golden

It is good to speak, but sometimes it is better still to say nothing.

Перевод: слово - серебро, молчание - золото.

Пример: "She will give a pound note to the collection if I would cut my eloquence short, so in this case, though speech is silver, silence is certainly golden" (Winifred Holtby, "South Riding").

Idioms about Silence. Perfectenglishblog

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