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Idioms about Books

Idioms about Books. Perfect English Blog

Have you ever imagined like Jorge Luis Borges that Paradise will be a kind of library? Are you a bookworm?

Use these 6 book idioms to express your love for reading.

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket

A book can bring as much pleasure and contain as much variety as a garden, with the advantage that it can be carried with you wherever you go.

Перевод: книга подобна саду, который можно носить в кармане.

Пример: "A book is like a garden carried in the pocket," my uncle used to say as he took me to the local bookstore to choose my birthday present.

Books and friends should be few and good

It is best to be selective both in your choice of reading and of friends.

Перевод: Книг и друзей должно быть мало, но хороших.

Сравните: Лучше меньше, да лучше.

Пример: Those who ignore the maxim that books and friends should be few and good will find they have neither the time nor the inclination to give proper attention to either.

Don’t judge a book by its cover

Do not form an opinion about something or somebody based solely on outward appearance.

Перевод: не суди книгу по обложке.

Пример: Makes you wonder about how eager we are to judge a book by its cover.

A house without books is like a room without windows

Books brighten and enlighten our daily lives in the same way that windows brighten and illuminate a room.

Сравните: Книга в деревне - что окно в избе.

Пример: If it is true that a house without books is like a room without windows, then my uncle’s house must be the darkest place on earth - the only reading matter to be found there was on the cans and boxes in the pantry!

Years know more than books

Experience is more valuable than academic education.

Сравните: Книга - книгой, а своим умом двигай.

Пример: "Years know more than books," said the old man, tapping the side of his nose.

To read someone like a book

Understand someone's thoughts and motives easily.

Перевод: видеть кого-то насквозь.

Пример: I know what you’re thinking - I can read you like a book.

Book Idioms. Perfect English Blog

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