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Love Idioms

Love Idioms. Perfect English Blog

Love is a multifaceted feeling. It's impossible to derive a formula for love, but it`s easy to understand that "all you need is love".

Sing this famous song together with The Beatles and learn these 7 love idioms together with Perfect English Blog.

Lucky at cards, unlucky in love

If you frequently win at card games, you will not have happy love affairs. (Can imply the converse, that if you do not win at card games, you will have happy love affairs.)

Перевод: кому везет в картах, тому не везет в любви.

Пример: "I'm only sorry to think Miss Houghton has lost so steadily all evening... But then - you see - I comfort myself with the reflection 'Lucky in cards, unlucky in love'". (D. H. Lawrence, "The Lost Girl")

There is no love lost between them

Of two people, having nothing but animosity, disdain, or disrespect for one another.

Перевод: они недолюбливают друг друга.

Пример: It's awkward being friends with both John and Mary - there's no love lost between them. It's public knowledge that there's no love lost between the president and his counterpart across the border.

All is fair in love and war

In love and war you do not have to obey the usual rules about reasonable behaviour.

Перевод: в любви и на войне все средства хороши.

Пример: All is fair in love and war the man thought when he asked his colleague for a date.

When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window/When the wolf comes in at the door, love creeps out of the window

If a couple gets married because they are in love, but they do not have enough money, they will stop loving each other when the money runs out.

Перевод: худ роман, когда пуст карман.

Пример: You young folks may think you can live on love alone, but when poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.

After Susan lost her job, she and her unemployed husband had a big argument. When the wolf comes in at the door, love creeps out of the window.

Everybody loves a lord

The rich and powerful attract love and admiration.

Перевод: богатого и успешного полюбит любая.

Пример: No one paid attention to me until I became CEO. - Well, everybody loves a lord.

I must love you and leave you

I have shown you my affection but now I must leave. A humorous way to say goodbye to someone.

Перевод: вынужден вас покинуть.

Пример: I'm so glad I got to see you before my trip. But I have to catch my flight, so I must love you and leave you.

Walk out on somebody

To suddenly leave your husband, wife, or partner and end your relationship with them.

Перевод: бросать, покидать кого-то.

Пример: He walked out on his wife and kids.

Love Idioms. Perfect English Blog

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