Opera Terms

Opera is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work combining text (libretto) and musical score, usually in a theatrical setting. In traditional opera, singers do two types of singing: recitative, a speech-inflected style and arias, a more melodic style, in which notes are sung in a sustained fashion. Opera incorporates many of the elements of spoken theatre, such as acting, scenery, and costumes and sometimes includes dance.
And here are the TOP 10 opera terms.
1. Full production
A performance that includes all the elements of live theater: lights, costumes, props, makeup, design and audience. In opera, this includes music provided by an orchestra or piano along with the characters' singing.
Пример: Opera North has announced its first full production to be released online.
Перевод: полная версия.
2. Dress rehearsal
A final rehearsal that uses all of the costumes, lights, etc. While sometimes it is necessary to stop for corrections, an attempt is made to make it as much like a final performance as possible.
Пример: Life isn't a dress rehearsal.
Перевод: генеральная репетиция.
3. Score
The written music of an opera or other musical work.
Пример: You place it in a music hall, it all of a sudden becomes a musical score.
Перевод: партитура.
4. Conductor
The leader of the orchestra, sometimes called Maestro. This person leads all the musicians (instrumentalists and vocalists) in the performance of an opera; an accomplished musician with a strong sense of rhythm and an in-depth understanding of the voice and each orchestral instrument, he or she must also be able to communicate nuances of phrasing and inspire great performances from all players.
Пример: A musician playing at one side of a stage would be unable to hear music being played by another musician at the other side some several metres away and so a conductor beats time which both can follow.
Перевод: дирижер.
5. To mark
To sing very softly or not at full voice.
Пример: A full-length opera is very hard on a singer's voice so most mark during rehearsals. During dress rehearsals singers try to sing at full voice for at least some of the time.
Перевод: петь вполголоса.
6. Double aria
An aria which consists of two parts. The first part, or cavatina, is usually slow and the second, or cabaletta is faster. There is often recitative between the two sections.
Пример: In 19th-century Italian opera, double aria is the formal design of scenes found during the bel canto era of Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti up to the late operas of Verdi.
Перевод: двухчастная ария, в которой через контраст медленной первой части и быстрой второй части раскрываются переживания персонажа.
7. Patter song
A song or aria in which the character sings as many words as possible in a short amount of time.
Пример: The patter song is characterised by a moderately fast to very fast tempo with a rapid succession of rhythmic patterns in which each syllable of text corresponds to one note.
Перевод: комическая ария или песня с речитативом.
8. Supertitles
Translations of the words being sung, or the actual words if the libretto is in the native language, that are projected on a screen above the stage.
Пример: With supertitles the audience can simultaneously read what's being said or sung without taking their eyes off the performers.
Перевод: титры перевода на экране, подвешенном над сценой.
9. Cover
The name given to an understudy in opera; someone who replaces a singer in case of illness or other misfortune.
Пример: The covers - or understudies - act as human insurance for the old saying, “the show must go on.”
Перевод: дублер.
10. Bravo
Literally, a form of applause when shouted by members of the audience at the end of an especially pleasing performance. Strictly speaking, "bravo" is for a single man, "brava" for a woman, and "bravi" for a group of performers.
Пример: I've always been a little amused at the shouts of "bravo!" that often accompany standing ovations at the end of opera performances.
Перевод: браво.