Music Idioms

Once Hans Christian Andersen said: "Where words fail, music speaks". Music helps us to express ourselves. I guess that is why there are so many idioms based on music or instruments that are used in everyday speech.
And here are 10 awesome music idioms that you must learn.
Fit as a fiddle
This is used to describe someone who is in perfect health.
Перевод: в отличной физической форме.
Пример: My grandfather is 92 years old but he is as fit as a fiddle.
Fiddle while Rome burns
To enjoy yourself or continue working as normal and not give any attention to something important and unpleasant that is happening that you should be taking action to prevent.
Перевод: заниматься пустяками перед лицом серьёзной опасности.
Сравните: пир во время чумы.
Пример: Environmentalists claimed governments were fiddling while Rome burned.
Play by ear
This means to deal with something in an impromptu manner, without guidelines or rules. It refers to playing music without using written connotation.
Перевод: поступать согласно обстоятельствам; решать вопросы по мере их поступления, не планируя заранее. Также употребляется в значении "играть на слух".
Пример: Let's play it by ear and decide where to eat after we see the movie.
Playing piano by ear isn't as hard as it seems and you can actually practice it.
Make a song and dance about something
To make something seem more important than it really is so that everyone notices it.
Перевод: поднимать шумиху, суету вокруг чего-либо.
Сравните: устраивать танцы с бубном вокруг кого-то/чего-то.
Пример: I only asked her to move her car but she made such a song and dance about it.
Ring a bell
If something rings a bell, it sounds familiar, but you can’t remember the exact details.
Перевод: напоминать кому-либо о чем-либо; звучать знакомо.
Пример: The name does not ring a bell and I am sure that I have never heard of the man.

Hit the right note / strike the right note
If you hit the right note, you speak or act in a way that has a positive effect on people.
Перевод: ожидаемое, уместное действие; сделать все правильно.
Пример: He hit all the right notes in his speech.
Jam session
Playing music with various instruments in an improvised and informal setting.
Перевод: совместная последовательная индивидуальная и общая импровизация на заданную тему.
Пример: A few of my friends came over to my house yesterday, and we had the most amazing jam session.
Elevator music
Pleasant but boring pre-recorded music that is usually played in public places.
Перевод: фоновая музыка.
Пример: I usually like his songs, but his new album just sounds like elevator music!
Tickle the ivories
This is a humorous way of talking about playing the piano.
Перевод: бренчать на пианино.
Пример: She sat down to tickle the ivories for a while.
Face the music
You say this when someone has to accept the negative consequences of something that has happened.
Перевод: держать ответ; отвечать за свои поступки, действия.
Пример: The boy must face the music for his actions very soon.