Costume Design Terms

A costume designer is a person who designs costumes for a film, stage production or television. The role of the costume designer is to create the characters' outfits and balance the scenes with texture and color, etc.
And here are the TOP 10 Russian-folk costume designer terms.
1. Felt boots
Valenki are traditional Russian winter footwear, essentially felt boots: the name valenok literally means "made by felting". Valenki are made of wool felt. They are not water-resistant, and are often worn with galoshes to keep water out and protect the soles from wear and tear.
Перевод: валенки.
Пример: Divine felt boots are love at first sight and forever.
2. Bast shoes
Bast braiding is one of the oldest handicrafts in Russia. Since time immemorial peasants used bast for making bast shoes first of all.
Перевод: лапти.
Пример: Before starting off a trip, make five pairs of bast shoes.
3. Kokoshnik
The kokoshnik is a traditional Russian headdress worn by women and girls to accompany the sarafan, primarily worn in the northern regions of Russia in the 16th to 19th centuries.
Перевод: кокошник.
Пример: Queen Marie of Romania wore a Cartier tiara created to resemble the Russian kokoshnik for her 1924 portrait.
4. Pavlovo Posad Shawl
Shawls from the ancient town of Pavlovsky Posad occupy a special place among the world-famous unique products making up Russia's pride and glory.
Перевод: Павловопосадский платок.
Пример: Bright, intricate patterns of Pavlovo Posad scarves and shawls cause constant interest not only among ordinary consumers, but also inspire the creation of their own masterpieces of fashion designers.
5. Kosovorotka
A kosovorotka is a Russian, skewed-collared shirt. The word is derived from 'koso' - askew, and 'vorot' - collar.
Перевод: косоворотка.
Пример: A kosovorotka is a traditional Russian shirt.
6. Sarafan
A sarafan is a long, trapezoidal traditional Russian jumper dress worn as Russian folk costume by women and girls.
Перевод: сарафан.
Пример: Sarafans were made from homespun linen.
7. Khokhloma
National ornament, known for its vivid flower patterns, red and gold colors over a black background.
Перевод: хохлома.
Пример: This shawl introduces a traditional Russian design, 'Khokhloma',which often incorporates vivid poetic imagery into large floral elements.
8. Ear flap hat
An ear flap hat, also called a ushanka-hat, is a Russian fur cap with ear flaps that can be tied up to the crown of the cap, or fastened at the chin to protect the ears, jaw and lower chin from the cold. An alternate manner is to bend the flaps back and tie them behind the head.
Перевод: ушанка.
Пример: Ear flap hats are often made from inexpensive fur.
9. Telogreika
Telogreika or vatnik is a Russian kind of warm cotton wool-padded jacket.
Перевод: телогрейка.
Пример: Telogreikas continued to be issued until the late 1960s.
10. Russian boots
Russian boot is the name applied to a style of calf- or knee-length fashion boot for women that was popular in the early part of the 20th century. Today the term Russian boot is sometimes applied to the style of low heeled boots worn by some folk dancers.
Перевод: так называемые 'русские сапоги', в мировой моде название высоких кожаных женских сапог в 1910-1920-е годы ХХ века.
Пример: In 1913, Denise Poiret, wife of celebrated French couturier Paul Poiret, caused a sensation in Paris and New York by wearing Russian boots in wrinkled Morocco leather.