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Money Idioms

Money Idioms. Perfect English Blog

Proverbs and idioms teach us how to live life efficiently. Money idioms teach us how to spend our money wisely.

Learn these 10 money idioms and be "wealthy, healthy and wise".

Spend like a sailor (on (shore) leave)

To spend excessively, extravagantly, or wastefully; taken from the fact that sailors, while on shore leave, used to spend all of their money. Перевод: транжирить, спускать деньги.

Пример: I stopped letting my wife use the credit card. Every time she goes to the mall, she spends like a sailor on shore leave!

Lend your money and lose your friend

You should not lend money to your friends; if you do, either you will have to bother your friend to repay the loan, which will make your friend resent you, or your friend will not repay the loan, which will make you resent your friend.

Перевод: Хочешь потерять друга - одолжи ему денег.

Пример: Joe needs a hundred dollars to pay his landlord. I'm thinking about lending it to him. - Lend your money and lose your friend.

Money burns a hole in your pocket If someone has money burning a hole in their pocket, they are eager to spend it, normally in a wasteful manner.

Перевод: деньги жгут карман; деньги, которые тратятся сразу, как получаются.

Пример: If money burns a hole in your pocket, you never have any for emergencies.

Money doesn`t grow on trees This means that you have to work to earn money; it doesn't come easily or without effort.

Перевод: деньги на улице на валяются.

Пример: The girl's father told her that money doesn't grow on trees when she asked for money to buy new clothes.

Money talks This means that people can convey many messages with money, and many things can be discovered about people by observing the way they use their money.

Перевод: деньги говорят сами за себя; с деньгами всего можно добиться.

Пример: All my childhood and youth I heard a formula "Money talks!". I never had any money, so to me the formula meant: "Shut up!" (U. Sinclair, "Money Writes!")

Two sides of the same coin If two things are two sides of the same coin, there is much difference between them.

Перевод: две стороны одной медали.

Пример: Violent behaviour and deep insecurity are often two sides of the same coin.

A penny saved is a penny earned This means that we shouldn't spend or waste money, but try to save it.

Перевод: копейка рубль бережет; сэкономил - считай, что заработал

Пример: I'd advise anyone to put aside a proportion of their earnings - a penny saved is a penny earned.

Make a mint If someone is making a mint, they are making a lot of money.

Перевод: делать кучу денег; "рубить капусту/бабло".

Пример: He makes a mint out of people like you.

For my money This idiom means 'in my opinion'.

Перевод: по моему мнению.

Пример: For my money, the northwest of Scotland is the most beautiful part of Britain.

From rags to riches Someone who starts life very poor and makes a fortune goes from rags to riches.

Перевод: из грязи в князи; выбиться из низов и много добиться.

Пример: Start-up funding might be obtained from local industrialists who have themselves moved from rags to riches and are willing to create that possibility for others.

Сравните: Everyone loves a good rags-to-riches story.

Money Idioms. Perfect English Blog

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