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Royal Related Words

Royal Related Words. Perfect English Blog

Royal means belonging or connected to a king or queen or a member of their family.

And here are the TOP 10 royal related words.

1. Highness

(Your Highness or His Highness or Her Highness) title used to address a royal person.

Пример: Her Highness noted that healthy family life is a central component of sustainable social and economic development.

Перевод: Ваше высочество.

2. To abdicate

Sometimes someone in power might decide to give up that power and step down from his or her position. When they do that, they abdicate their authority, giving up all duties and perks of the job.

Пример: King Edward VIII abdicated (the British throne) in 1936.

Перевод: отрекаться, слагать полномочия.

3. Crown prince

A male heir apparent to a throne.

Пример: He's been heralded as the crown prince of jazz.

Перевод: кронпринц, наследник престола.

4. Prince consort

A prince who is the husband of a reigning female sovereign.

Пример: Men married to the British monarch are known as prince consorts, not king consorts.

Перевод: принц-консорт.

5. Dowager

A widow holding property received from her deceased husband.

Пример: Mary, Queen of Scots, was queen dowager of France after the death of her husband Francis II, to whom she bore no children.

Перевод: вдовствующая.

6. Queen regent

A queen who serves as ruler when the king cannot.

Пример: For advancing the queen regent 's interest he got an abbey in France.

Перевод: королева-регент.

7. Queen regnant

A queen regnant is a female monarch, equivalent in rank to a king, who reigns in her own right, in contrast to a queen consort, who is the wife of a reigning king, or a queen regent, who is the guardian of a child monarch reigning temporarily in their stead.

Пример: Elizabeth II is the current queen regnant.

Перевод: правящая королева.

8. Investiture

Investiture is what happens when a government official, a judge, or a head of state is formally put into office or promoted to a higher rank. The investiture of a king is an elaborate, lengthy ceremony.

Пример: ...Edward VIII's investiture as Prince of Wales in 1911.

Перевод: облачение, формальное введение в должность.

9. Interregnum

Interregnum describes the period between the reigns of two leaders. If you're a rebel leader, you may try to gain power during an interregnum.

Пример: During the subsequent interregnum period, England, Scotland and Ireland were ruled as a republic until 1660.

Перевод: междуцарствие.

10. Sovereign

Put simply, your sovereign is your king or queen.

Пример: George III was the sovereign of Great Britain and her colonies - including the American ones. At least, he was until a little thing called the Revolutionary War upset everything.

Перевод: соверен, монарх.

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