Royal Idioms

We all know that the UK adores the Royal Family. I think that you will agree that Britain without a monarchy would simply be terribly un-British.
And here are 10 royal idioms for everyday use.
Royal purple
A dark reddish purple.
Перевод: темно-фиолетовый цвет.
Пример: She was gorgeous to behold, in royal purple and black lace.
Crown jewels
A particularly valuable or prized possession or asset.
Перевод: венец, жемчужина; самое ценное, важное.
Пример: The Iliad and Odyssey are the crown jewels of ancient literature.
A royal pain
A thoroughly or utterly annoying person or thing.
Перевод: человек или вещь, которая очень раздражает, доставляет много неудобств.
Пример: Her questions were a royal pain, but I had to answer them as part of my job.
Queen bee
A woman who dominates or leads a group (as in a social activity).
Перевод: ирон. первая дама
Пример: Martha fancies herself a queen bee after her promotion, but she's only an assistant supervisor.
To build castles in the air
To create dreams, hopes, or plans that are impossible, unrealistic, or have very little chance of succeeding.
Перевод: строить воздушные замки.
Пример: You need a strong plan if you're going to start your own business - don't just build castles in the air.

Prince Charming
A woman's Prince Charming is a man who seems to her to be a perfect lover or boyfriend, because he is attractive, kind, and considerate.
Перевод: принц на белом коне.
Пример: How much time have you wasted sitting around waiting for Prince Charming to appear?
To hold court
To be the centre of attention amidst a crowd of one's admirers.
Перевод: собирать своих поклонников.
Пример: He is holding court at the end table.
King's ransom
A huge amount of money.
Перевод: огромная сумма денег.
Пример: ...clients happy to pay a king's ransom for a haircut.
To be king of something
Someone or something that people think is the most important or best of a particular type of person or thing.
NB: We also say 'queen of something'.
Перевод: быть лучшим в чем-то.
Пример: Paul is the king of barbecues. Nobody does them better than him.
Drama queen
A person given to often excessively emotional performances or reactions; someone who gets too upset or angry over small problems.
NB: We may also say 'drama king' (this idiom is used much less often).
Перевод: тот, кто часто устраивает скандалы, споры из-за чего угодно; истеричка, королева драмы.
Пример: You're such a drama queen! It's no big deal.