Shades of Red

Add colour to your language using these idioms related with 'shades of red'.
To see/look through rose-coloured/tinted spectacles/glasses When someone sees things in an overly flattering or over-optimistic light.
Перевод: видеть все в розовом цвете.
Пример: Mary doesn’t understand what it’s like for us. She has always seen everything through rose-tinted glasses because her parents spoilt her so much when she was young!
Beet red Used to describe dark red, usually the colour of a face (derives from beetroot).
Перевод: красный как помидор.
Пример: I could see my son up on the stage, his little face was beet red!
Blood red Also used to describe the deep red colour of something.
Перевод: кроваво-красный.
Пример: She was wearing a beautiful cocktail dress with blood red lipstick to match.
A red-blooded male
Used to describe someone who seems full of confidence or sexual energy.
Перевод: мужчина из плоти и крови, горячий парень.
Пример: Can't a red-blooded man compliment a pretty girl?
A scarlet woman
A woman who is ostracized because of promiscuous behavior.
This expression first appeared in Revelation 17:5, describing Saint John's vision of a woman in scarlet clothes with an inscription on her forehead, "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth." Some interpreters believe she stood for Rome, drunk with the blood of saints, but by about 1700 the term was being used more generally for a woman with loose morals.
Перевод: блудница.
Пример: Once everyone learned of her affair, she moved away from the city, rather than staying and being labeled a scarlet woman.