Black Idioms

Add colour to your language using these idioms related with 'black'.
Black sheep Used to describe a person who is the ‘odd one out’ of a group, and doesn’t fit in with others around them. This could also be used to talk about someone who is a disgrace or embarrassment to their group.
Перевод: "белая ворона"; паршивая овца, позор семьи.
Пример: I'm from a family of bankers and businessmen, and here I am, the artist, the black sheep.
Black tie event/affair A formal event where male guests wear black bow ties with tuxedos or dinner jackets.
Перевод: официальный прием, на который мужчины приходят в смокингах и галстуках-бабочках, а женщины в вечерних платьях.
Пример: The award’s ceremony will be a black tie event, so I’ll have to buy a smart suit.
As black as a skillet Used to describe something that is very dirty, black with dirt.
Перевод: очень черный (как сковорода).
Пример: His hands were as black as a skillet when he finished repairing his car.
Pot calling the kettle black (shorten version: pot kettle black) This is used when the person who hypocritically criticises or accuses someone else is as guilty as the person he or she criticises or accuses.
Перевод: горшок над котлом смеется, а оба черны, горшок котел сажей корил; оба хороши.
Пример: My friend always criticizes me for being late but that is like the pot calling the kettle black. He himself is the one who is usually late.

Blackball someone To exclude or ostracise someone socially, reject them.
Перевод: подвергать остракизму.
Пример: Their company has been blackballed ever since that scandal was all over the newspapers. No one wants to do business with them anymore.
As black as night Somewhere very dark, when it is hard to see anything.
Перевод: черный как ночь.
Пример: The old house was as black as night when we entered it.
Black eye A bruise near one’s eye.
Перевод: фонарь под глазом.
Пример: He came home with a horrible black eye today, but he won’t tell us what happened!
To be black and blue Used to describe something that is badly bruised.
Перевод: в синяках.
Пример: John’s face was black and blue after the boxing match.