Who Killed the Phone Box?

On February 14, 2008 Sotheby’s from New York auctioned this Banksy’s sculptural graffiti piece, dated 2005, which caused quite a stir when it first appeared on the streets in Soho, London. Bent and broken British Telecommunications phone booth with a protruding pickaxe and blood pooling underneath it divided Londoners, sparking a passionate debate whether it is simply a case of vandalism or a piece of an artistic visual commentary. After such a rich, though rather short history, it is no surprise that famous Vandalized Phone Booth fetched $550,000, almost doubling the highest estimated price.
Banksy is an anonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist and film director of unverified identity. Banksy has become an iconic figure in the UK and has transgressed all geographical boundaries. His anonymous, satirical and provocative art makes him the most controversial street artist in the World.
Banksy’s stencils feature striking and humorous images occasionally combined with slogans. The message is usually anti-war, anti-capitalist or anti-establishment. Subjects include rats, monkeys, policemen, soldiers, children, and the elderly.

Not too long ago, there was a time when Banksy‘s art would sit at art galleries unsold or sold for a few hundred dollars at best. But the times have changed dramatically over the last decade and there has been a series of record-breaking sales of his works. The growing cult following of this elusive artist, and the mysteriousness shrouded around his identity makes his work to be incredibly sought after.
With the highest estimated price set at $350,000, and the hammer price of mind-boggling $1,700,000, Keep it Spotless is the most expensive Banksy ever sold. Executed in spray paint and household gloss on canvas Banksy’s Keep it Spotless, created in 2007, was originally Damien Hirst painting which was defaced by Banksy. It depicts a spray painted Los Angeles hotel maid Leanne who is pulling up Hirst’s piece to sweep under the painting.

to cause a stir - вызывать движение, переполох
to fetch - приносить, получать
estimated price - расчетная цена
unverified - непроверенный, неподтвержденный
stencil - трафарет
record-breaking sale - рекордная продажа
elusive - неуловимый
sought after - популярный, востребованный
mind-boggling - умопомрачительный
spray paint - балончик с краской
to deface - искажать