Blue Idioms

Add colour to your language using these idioms related with 'blue'.
Feel blue When someone looks or feels depressed or discontented.
Перевод: хандрить, быть в плохом настроении.
Пример: What’s that the matter with you today? You seem really blue. Is there something you’d like to talk about?
Once in a blue moon To occur extremely rarely, or only once in a lifetimeю
Перевод: очень редко.
Пример: Once in a blue moon it can be useful to you.
Blue collar Used to describe men used as labourers, or factory workers.
Перевод: рабочий, "синий воротничок".
Пример: The got rid of a lot of the blue-collar workers during the recession. I would say they definitely suffered the most.
Blue blood Used to describe someone from a noble, aristocratic or wealthy family.
Перевод: "голубая кровь".
Пример: Guy looks more blue collar than blue blood.
Blue ribbon To be of superior quality or distinction, the best of a group.
Перевод: высшего качества, первоклассный.
Пример: A blue ribbon panel of experts were invited to investigate the extraordinary remains.
Talk a blue streak When someone talks very much and very rapidly.
Перевод: говорить без умолку.
Пример: Billy didn't talk until he was two, and then he started talking a blue streak.
Out of the blue To appear out of nowhere without any warning, to happen quite suddenly or randomly by surprise.
Перевод: как гром среди ясного неба, совершенно неожиданно.
Пример: You won’t believe it but Mary called me out of the blue yesterday, and told me she’s coming to visit! How unexpected!
A bolt from the blue When some unexpected bad news is received.
Перевод: как гром среди ясного неба, совершенно неожиданно.
Пример: Like a bolt from the blue, I got the idea to shave my head.
A blue-eyed boy A critical description of a boy or young man who is always picked for special favours by someone in a position of higher authority.
Перевод: любимчик.
Пример: He is such a blue-eyed boy! I don’t like that the manager always treats him as if he is special, it is not fair on the rest of us!
To be blue in the face
Showing signs of exhaustion or strain.
Перевод: в изнеможении, "до посинения".
Пример: You can complain about it till you're blue in the face, but we're going to your grandmother's whether you like it or not.