Fashion Words

A fashionista is a slang term for people who like fashion. It can be anyone: a supermodel, a fashion designer or even a student who loves to wear something stylish and fashionable. A fashion victim is a person who wears popular trends and looks really ridiculous because he/she ends up looking like a store mannequin.
So, not to look stupid, let`s learn the TOP 10 fashion words.
1. Catwalk or runway
A narrow flat platform, used by models to present designer clothes.
Перевод: подиум.
2. Lingerie
Women’s underwear, undergarments.
Перевод: белье.
3. Herringbone
A V-shaped weave resembling the skeleton of a herring fish. A popular pattern for tweed and wool outerwear.
Перевод: рисунок "в елочку".
4. Cap Sleeves
A sleeve that sits in between sleeveless and short. A flattering cut as it elongates arms and covers shoulders. Cap sleeves are still synonymous with the Nineties.
Перевод: короткий цельнокроеный рукав.

5. Baggy
Wide-legged pants or loose-fitting shirts/blouses.
Перевод: мешковатый.
6. Zori
A Japanese sandal. Flipflops, toe thongs and slip-on sandals all originate from the Japanese original.
Перевод: зори.
7. Neats
Small socks with evenly-spaced designs. As popular with adults as they are with children, little socks constantly pop up on the catwalks of quirky labels like Miu Miu, Prada and Dries Van Noten.
Перевод: носки.

8. Iridescent
The property of a fabric that appears to change colour as it catches the light. Found naturally occurring in sea shells, iridescent garments have an aquatic mermaid-like character, popular during party season.
Перевод: переливчатый.
9. Knife Pleat
A sharp, narrow fold.
Перевод: односторонняя незастроченная складка.
10. Mandarin Collar
A small, close fitting and upright collar. Originating from traditional Chinese garments, it is used in oriental-inspired collections and to create a minimalist feel.
Перевод: воротник-стойка.