Hypster Words

The hipster subculture is stereotypically composed of youth. Hipsters frequently flaunt a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility, vintage and thrift store-bought clothing, generally pacifist progressive and environmental political views, organic and artisanal foods, alternative lifestyles and snobbery.
The ultimate meaning of 'hip' is 'aware' or 'in the know'. The word 'hip' eventually acquired the common English suffix -ster (as in spinster and gangster), and 'hipster' entered the language.
And here are the TOP 10 hipster cool words.
1. Totes
Totally. The hypster is so busy that using the word ‘totally’ in it’s entirety is just too time consuming. Using the word ‘totes’ frees him up more time for Facebooking.
Пример: Well, in that case, I'm totes glad to be here.
Перевод: точняк.
2. Awks
An abbreviation of the word ‘awkward’ to describe a situation so awkward that simply describing it as ‘awkward’ isn't enough.
Пример: I realised my skirt was tucked into the back of my undies. Totes awks.
Ср. русское словечко "пипец".
3. Devo
Devastated. ‘Devastation’ is such a powerful word that ‘devo’ seems like the younger sibling. If a family member forgets your birthday, you are devo. If it is because hey has passed away, you are devastated.
Пример: I’m devo and I can’t afford to go.
Ср. "в шоке".
4. LOL (lolling)
'Laughing out loud'.
Пример: Laughing is so unattractive. Your mouth is wide open, you can see your tonsils. Lolling is the way forward.
Интернет-мем. Термин используется в сетевом общении главным образом для выражения смеха в письменной форме.
5. Chillax
An amalgamation of ‘chilling’ and ‘relaxing’.
Пример: You need to chillax.
Ср. "Расслабься".
6. Whatevs
We all know that ‘whatevering’ someone is the ultimate dismissal, but an abbreviated ‘whatever’ is about a million times ruder.
Пример: She did not want to go out with me. Whatevs.
Перевод: сокращение от 'whatever' – "Как хочешь", "Мне без разницы" и т.п.; имеет оттенок сарказма, несерьезности.
'You Only Live Once'.
Пример: I`m going to skydive this weekend. YOLO.
Интернет-мем. Дословно переводится "живешь только раз". YOLO значит жить и получать удовольствие от жизни.
'Fear Of Missing Out'.
Пример: I want to stay home tonight but I have FOMO so I will push through the fatigue.
Интернет-мем. Означает постоянную боязнь, будто пропускаешь что-то очень интересное и важное, что происходит прямо сейчас. Это чувство усугубляется ежесекундными обновлениями в социальных сетях, фотографиями и постами из жизни знакомых и друзей.
9. Cray Cray
Пример: This makes me feel a tad cray cray.
Перевод: сумашедший, неуправляемый. Происходное от слова 'crazy'
10. Amazeballs
Extremely good or impressive, amazing.
Пример: Mary, you look amazeballs.
Перевод: крутой, офигенный, потрясающий.