Yellow Idioms

Add colour to your language using these idioms related with 'yellow'.
Yellow dog
A despicable person or thing.
Перевод: подлый человек, презренная личность.
Пример: I can't believe you get so invested in these debates - all politicians are yellow dogs that can't be trusted.
Yellow journalism, or yellow press
It is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.
Перевод: желтая пресса.
Пример: The paper is practising yellow journalism at its worst with its scandalous stories about the Governor and his family.
Yellow light
An indication to slow down or prepare to stop.
Перевод: знак "притормозить".
Пример: Sally took the comments from her teacher as a yellow light not to push for extra credit just yet.
Yellow brick road
A path believed to lead to success or adventure. A reference to the same name in the fictional land of Oz, based on the works of L. Frank Baum.
Перевод: идти по дороге из желтого кирпича.
Пример: She took the internship thinking that it would be the yellow brick road to her dream job.

Yellow-bellied Someone who is seen as a coward or extremely timid.
Перевод: трусливый.
Пример: There is no point in asking him what to do. He is a yellow-bellied coward, and won’t stand up for what is right!
A yellow streak Someone who has cowardice in their character.
Перевод: быть трусоватым.
Пример: He has always had a big yellow streak running down his back, don’t expect him to change now!
To be yellow
To be coward.
Синоним: chicken.
Перевод: быть трусом, человеком, которого легко напугать.
Пример: Chris didn't surprise me when he ran away from the war zone - I always knew he was yellow.