Green Idioms

It`s common knowledge that idioms add colour to the language. And here are 6 idioms related with green colour.
Grass is always greener on the other side
This common proverb describes a place or situation that appears better but is often no better than current conditions.
Перевод: Хорошо там, где нас нет.
Пример: He realised that the grass is always greener on the other side when he saw that his new job wasn’t perfect, and had its own problems too.
Green with envy Used to describe someone who is extremely jealous, full of envy.
Перевод: Позеленеть от зависти.
Пример: His brother`s success made him green with envy.
Give someone the green light / get the green light When someone receives, or is given, permission to go ahead with something.
Перевод: дать/получить зеленый свет.
Пример: His boss finally gave him the green light to start the new project.
Green belt An area of fields and woodland around a town.
Перевод: Зеленая зона (вокруг города).
Пример: Our city should preserve its green belt.
Green thumb/green finger Those who are lucky enough to have a green thumb seem to grow lush plants without trying.
Перевод: иметь талант к садоводству. Ср.: У меня легкая рука. Что ни посажу - все растет.
Пример: This garden used to look so beautiful when my mum lived here. She certainly had a green thumb.
To be green Used to describe someone who is immature, or inexperienced.
Перевод: быть незрелым, неопытным. Ср.: Ты еще совсем зеленый.
Пример: He can be rather green sometimes. I don’t think he’s ready to be promoted to a higher position yet.