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Digital Marketing Buzzwords

Digital Marketig Quote. Perfect English Blog

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies. Digital marketing includes online advertising, websites, email marketing, affiliate marketing, remarketing and social media.

Digital Marketer is a digital marketing specialist.

And here are the TOP 10 terms commonly used in the digital marketing industry.

1. Banner advertising. A web banner, or banner ad, is an advertisement placed on a web page. It is intended to attract web traffic from that website to the advertiser`s site.

Перевод: баннерная реклама.

2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC), also known as cost per click (CPC), is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, where advertisers pay the publisher (typically a website owner or search engine like Google) when the advert is clicked. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market.

Перевод: дословно "платить за клик". Русским языком термин заимствован.

Пример употребления: Знающие PPC менеджеры смогут привести больше трафика на ваш сайт.

3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via an unpaid or organic approach. In other words optimising a website so that when users search for keywords, your organisation is better matched and more likely to appear higher in search engine lists, ideally on the first page.

Перевод: поисковая оптимизация.

4. Location-based marketing (LBM) is the technique of using global-positioning technology to send geographic-specific marketing to consumers over their mobile devices.

Перевод: на форумах встречается вариант "геолокализованный маркетинг" либо "локализованный маркетинг".

5. Remarketing allows an organisation to show ads to viewers who have previously visited its website as they continue to browse the internet. By placing cookies on the viewer`s PC and using specific tags an advertiser can 'follow' a visitor once they leave their own website.

Перевод: ремаркетинг.

6. Contextual marketing is an online marketing model in which people are served with targeted advertising based on terms they search for or their recent browsing behavior. An advertiser or marketer will create content specifically for each individual target client.

Перевод: контекстный маркетинг.

7. Social media is a relationship marketing tool that helps to engage with stakeholders and encourage communication, comment and word of mouth. Social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest and blogs allow individual followers to 'retweet' or 'repost' comments made by the organisation.

Перевод: социальные медиа.

8. Blogs are usually informal opinion pieces posted online. Some blogs have large numbers of followers and allow to leave comments. In that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking.

Перевод: блог.

9. Viral. The expression 'to go viral' is used for a picture or a video which has become extremely popular by being circulated quickly and broadly on the internet.

Перевод: вирусный.

10. IRL (#IRL) stands for ‘In Real Life’. Developing a digital relationship with an influencer or a customer is great, but if you get the chance to meet ‘IRL’, you should.

Перевод: аббревиатура заимствована, означает "в реале", "оффлайн".

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